Meet the Committee

Laura Berstler

Chapter: Brandywine Valley

Laura Berstler is a sparkling young thang from Brandywine Valley. She stands nearly 5 feet tall and has flowing blonde locks. She loves cupcakes, Ke$ha, and has a kitty named "Booger." Although sometimes quite sassy, she is also very peppy and bubbly. In her free time she enjoys figure skating, worshipping her committee chairs, and trying to see over the steering wheel in hopes of one day driving. Her greatest ambition is to one day be exactly like Claire because she is so funny and fulfill her potential as a true jokster. 

Megan Deino

Chapter: San Francisco
Megan- (noun, Proper.) a cow loving committee member who enjoys dancing to Michael Jackson and 70's music while watching videos of pandas on YouTube. In addition to her love for black and white spotted animals, Megan is also frequently found speaking Japanese to her dog, Brownie. Brownie and Megan take part in many adventures in the San Francisco area,  like eating mashed potatoes on the beach. She enjoys making fish faces and taking silly pictures with the rest of the NYMC, while munching on gummy racecars from Sweden that she thinks taste like deodorant. Plus also, she is SO excited to see everyone at NYM 2011!

Josh Mansfield

Chapter: Cincinnati
HI! This is Josh! He enjoys long walks on the beach, and a cold virgin pina colada from time to time. His favorite kind of music is easy listening (you know, the kind of stuff you hear on elevators). He giggles like a little girl when anyone touches his knees; so make sure to do that when you meet him! He drives a bright yellow Volkswagen Beetle with hearts on it. He has been to village in England, Interchange in Brazil, Youth Meeting in Spain and JC in Brazil. He is the JB president of Cincinnati. Josh never wears pants that are long enough for him and loves to run up and down the street in tight spandex, often leopard spotted. His favorite movie is “Thumbalina Goes to the Ball” and he dreams to one day be her date to the ball. The only person he could possibly ever love more than Thumbalina is Macy Parker from the Smoky Mountain Chapter. He thinks she is stunning, and let’s be honest, who doesn’t?! Josh is excited about NYM because his mom will be chaperoning, so he can actually spend the night this time. (He gets homesick VERY easily). He is a very slow eater, so please encourage him to hurry by poking him with a spoon. Josh likes to have his hair pulled... almost as much as he likes when people throw dirt on his head and kick him. Please expect Josh to never show up to activities because he literally does not wake up. Don’t hesitate to hug Josh; he is very friendly. His favorite quote is “Someday my prince will come.” He can’t wait to see you in San Francisco!

Macy Parker

Chapter: Smoky Mountain

Macy is our resident choreographer/dancing expert – we blame it on the boogie, but it could be about something else. She’s off to Davidson in the fall, and she’s pumped. Confused about Waka Waka? She’s the person to ask. Need a sweet costume for your act in the talent show? She’s your girl. You’ve always dreamed of knowing the Thriller dance, you say? If you ask reeeeeally nicely, she’ll help you out. She can't wait to meet you in San Fran!

P.S. Macy’s biggest fear is feet – please don’t touch her with them!

Claire Bens (NYMC Chair)

Chapter: Cincinnati

So what ingredients go into the delicious pie named Claire Bens? Great question. At first glance Claire may seem to be quite egotistical, but that's just her flaky crust. After meeting Claire, you will realize that she is quite friendly. She was even voted "friendliest-nicest" as her senior superlative. Along with her sensational sense of extroversion, she tends to be on the ridiculously crazy side, and is known to spew jargon such as "Wandon CHU." Claire loves the outdoors, and you can often find her walking or hiking, but not running. Claire's impeccable sense of style will easily blow onlookers away, and she can often be found sporting the chic 'jeggings and fanny-pack' combo. She is currently a Freshman at Ohio University, double-majoring in Poli-Sci and International Relations, as well as minoring in Spanish. But her studies in school are only half as much as the dedication she puts into CISV. To her, it might as well stand for Claire Is Super Vital, and as NYMC Chair, she truly is in creating a great NYM experience.

Alex Basse (Past NYMC Chair)

Chapter: Detroit/Denver

Alex LOVES listening to 50 Cent in the morning and dancing! Also, she loves Michael Jackson (not in a weird way... music only) and CISV. She is the coolest past-chair for the NYMC anyone could ever ask for! Super up-to-date on erry'thang out there, you can ask her about anything. A for Awesome, L for Lovely, E is for Effervescent, X for X-tra fantastical! A-L-E-X!